少女時代整形? SNSD Plastic Surgery ?

少女時代整形? SNSD Plastic Surgery ?

This clip is not made to humiliate SNSD. It is made to offend against evil rumors about them. The judgement is yours to make, but if you keep going on believing and spreading the sick rumors.. You're just being a 'hater'. As people grow up, their look changes. People can look different if they gain/lose weight or have different makeups. Antis of SNSD, however, is spreading the rumor that SNSD had plastic surgery as if it were a fact with insufficient evidences If they want to argue for the rumor, they should provide sufficient and objective evidences. All of SNSD fans know that the pictures used by antis are either a distortion using photoshop or bad quality picture from their childhood. Fans support SNSD and they hope that the rumor shouldn't be accepted as a fact. SNSD has not gone under plastic surgery Video DL Link - download458.mediafire.com
@punktommyivy 私、スヨン以外名前分かりませんwでも、ザ整形的なのが人気w


@snsk_321 整形したい!整形するお金ください!!! 翔子ちゃんはいじめたくなる(`・ω・´)あは♡

最近すっごい思うんだけど化粧変えたい どの角度からも良く見えたい これって高望み?もーコンプレックス大有りで姿勢悪いし毎日1億回ぐらい整形したい発言みんな本当ごめんwwwww だって(T_T)だってだってなんだもん(T_T)とりあえずどっかいったダイエット発言頑張る本当に…


してないしてないw RT @em0wimps @akariiin_3s 全身整形8:40

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