Pug dog doing tricks Part 2

Pug dog doing tricks Part 2

My pug dog Angel doing the same tricks again but this time with an almond!
RT @trippyyhippiee: RT @trippyyhippiee: "Fugg" makes me think of "pug" which makes me not take you seriously because you are now a small squashed faced dog

@PonderingPug @getzum_ @toddkincannon let me rephrase that: you as a pug (species of dog), cannot comprehend the English language.

@MandaGator @Shawn12300 @Mskenline bwahahahaha.. That stuffed dog is a fucking pug! Get it right bitch!

My pug hands down wins all the awards for an amazing dog. He did the most unbelivable cutest thing

if i get a dog i want a pug

@MichaelChiklis I know me too. I wasn't looking to even get a dog, my 14yr old is Autistic, our Pug, Pudgy chose her at an adoption fair

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