Surface by Microsoft

Surface by Microsoft

A tablet that's a unique expression of entertainment and creativity. A tablet that works and plays the way you want. A new type of computing. Surface.
Dulu datang bwk nasi daun pisang,sekarang datang bawak tablet untuk anak anak

@souljaboy is my hero real talk. Young as hell on the Forbes list, got a tablet coming out, on tour and he still keep it real as fuck

RT @souljaboy: RT @RomansExorcist: @SouljaBoy Tablet dope as hell

四万だして新しいiPad買うより3万のテグラ3搭載のAndroid Tablet買った方がマシだった。

@enadaa_ hello darling >.< and we should but the computer is in mah mums room and they took the tablet away u.u wanna text doee? :o

RT @EcenSalahGaul: Beh.. Adek gue minta di beliin tablet.. Dan minta nya ke gue.. Mampus harus ngondek berapa tahun nih -_-?

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