Mochi, the Dancing Chow Chow! * the CUTEST *

Mochi, the Dancing Chow Chow! * the CUTEST *

This is Mochi. He is a purebreed cream chow chow. He loves to dance!
@morelliemi grosso mr chow

@TheRealDashiki ya whatever, I'm not there for the sentimental healthy speeches & bullshit. I just want my damn chow.

RT @zenie_silaa: RT @zenie_silaa: Moi dans mon quartier labas samdi arive toun ya 'chow de la rue' a chak carrefour! C' labas tu voi toutes les saps koi. ...

@deeloveexoxo @kreeeeezy lol text me details

going and do my nails, chow .

RT @Its_ME10: RT @Its_ME10: @Viva_La_Aliii Needs to make some more of that bomb ass poppy chow!!! #TooGood #MasterCheff

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