Dark Shadows Trailer (Tim Burton)

Dark Shadows Trailer (Tim Burton)

Dark Shadows Trailer. Join official facebook page here : www.facebook.com A movie directed by Tim Burton, starring Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer, Helena Bonham Carter, Jackie Earle Haley, Jonny Lee Miller, Eva Green, Chloe Moretz, Bella Heathcote, Thomas McDonell, Gulliver McGrath... A gothic-horror tale centering on the life of vampire Barnabas Collins and his run-ins with various monsters, witches, werewolves and ghosts. Based on the cult TV series, Dark Shadows Movie will hit theaters May 11th, 2012. Suscrobe now to get the latest movies clips and trailers !
@Tim_Sebel thanks!

RT @surferzeb: Retweet this if you Believe in Timmy!! #SupportTimmy #SFGiants @SFGiants Tonight is Tim's night!!

@Teabaggin_Tim lmbo!!! nice try

RT @MLBJesus: Let dominate thy Mighty Tim under Franciscan skies.

22. Menurut saya yang harus dipertanyakan bukan lagi ekslusivitas PKS, tapi justru tim para cagub-cawagub. #pilihan

juara min..bangga dong punya tim kesangan yg juara =D @IX3Official

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