This is SEC Football

This is SEC Football

The biggest rivalries, biggest hits, best games, and best traditions. The SEC. Its Football Time. Ive gotten a lot of comments on the songs so ill list em in order. Two Steps From Hell- Protectors of the Earth Nonpoint- In the Air Tonight D Chase- My Hustle Clips are not mine. (ABC,CBS,ESPN)
RT @DrewSDS: RT @DrewSDS: Alabama is only SEC team to score 100% in the red zone (22 attempts). Bama also has the best red zone defense (57%).

@gurbanolaam mal aralarından özet sec amkkk -hasan. :)

RT @leszlikalli: RT @leszlikalli: Así como tuvo los cojones de torcer un contrato de 67.000 millones, se espera q Héctor Zambrano ex sec de salud, los t ...

RT @DrewSDS: RT @DrewSDS: Alabama is only SEC team to score 100% in the red zone (22 attempts). Bama also has the best red zone defense (57%).

@_iTGal lol o I'm all in. I got excited for a sec

RT @DrewSDS: RT @DrewSDS: Alabama is only SEC team to score 100% in the red zone (22 attempts). Bama also has the best red zone defense (57%).

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